Make a Flower Crown From the Dollar Tree With Me
Part 1 

 headband, flowers, hot glue, mirror

I started by pulling the florals from their stems.

Next, just hot glue the florals to your headband in the spots you like.
Pro tip! Keep a small mirror in front of you so you can make sure you like the placement as you go.

Honestly, that's it! Less than $10, babes.
Dollar tree florals are poppin’, I love using their florals for projects! There are soooo many ways you can make a floral crown, get out there and find the florals that call to you and make one for yourself. They are so fun to get creative with!

What You Need

Step One

Step Two

My favorite accessories to use for headpieces can be found here.

Pair your custom headpiece with a custom fabric drape and create some real magic!